OSIRIS SNR Calculator
Actual OSIRIS SNR Calculator is 2.0. New in this version:
- Latest tunning calibration implemented (red TF).
- In spectroscopic mode an option to plot counts/pixel has been added.
- In spectroscopic mode a saturation warning message is shown in the output panel.
- Some bugs fixed.
Not all the filters listed in this application are available. Visit the GTC / OSIRIS Web pages for more information. For example, Blue Tunable Filter (BTF) calculations are not included in the ETC, please contact with astro-helpdesk@gtc.iac.es for estimates for the BTF.
Some important remarks when using OSIRIS ETC:
- Before using OSIRIS SNR Calculator for Tunable Filter Imaging mode,please use first the TF Setup tool.
- Since March 2022, when the instrument migration was completed, remember to select Cassegrain focal station in the ETC.
- Java JRE 1.6 or later should be installed on your machine.
- You should set the JNLP MIME type on your browser: application/x-java-jnlp-file to be opened either with the default application or with javaws.
Example: commandline> javaws OSIRISETC.jnlp
(if you find problems, click here to see how to enable local security options to run Java)
Last modified: 16 February 2022