The GTC Users Committee (GUC) is an advisory body to the GTC Director. It acts as a committee of users, which advises, from the user’s perspective, on the normal scientific operation and development of the GTC, and recommends changes and improvements to both instrumentation and procedures in order to maximize scientific productivity. The GUC will act as an interface between the GTC users and the GTC Observatory, facilitating the communication between GTC and its users.
The GUC has a membership of approximately eight scientists, chosen by the GTC Director and is composed of PIs of GTC Observing Programs. To allow for balance between continuity and new input, members will be appointed for a two-year term starting on the date of the first meeting attended. The GTC Director can ask a member to serve for one more year if mutually agreeable. The committee will have one seat for a member from Mexico and another one for a member from University of Florida.
The chair will be nominated and appointed by the GTC Director for a one year period, with the possible extension of one more year. The GTC Director and the Head of the GTC Science Operations attend meetings of the group ex-officio.
The Committee will meet at least two times per year.
The scope of the Users Committee is quite broad: the GUC is free to set its own agenda and if necessary can establish an ad-hoc subcommittee structure to perform in-depth studies of relevant subjects. It is expected that the Committee actively solicits the opinions of the GTC user community as a basis for its recommendations. The Committee may express an opinion about current and future instrumentation plans, priorities and time scales, or comment on the scientific output and direction of the GTC Observatory.
The committee will be assured of reasonable support from GTC staff for information and clarification.
The product of the GTC Users Committee deliberations consists of a written report of conclusions, recommendations and actions, addressed to the GTC Director, and delivered no more than one month after the meeting. These reports (together with a GTC response, if warranted) are made available to the GTC International Steering Committee. Shorter versions of these reports will be published on the GTC web pages.
All GTC users are welcome to send their comments, complaints or suggestions to any member of this committee.
Current GUC membership
Name | |
Josefa Masegosa Gallego (IAA-CSIC, Granada) | pepa [at] |
Charles M. Telesco (University of Florida, Gainesville) | telesco [at] |
Evencio Mediavilla Gradolph (IAC, La Laguna) | emg [at] |
Nancy Elías de la Rosa (ICE-CSIC, Barcelona) | eliasrosa.astro [at] |
Sara Cazzoli (IAA-CSIC, Granada) | sara [at] |
José Acosta Pulido (IAC, La Laguna) | jap [at] |
Miguel Santander García (OAN, Madrid) | m.santander [at] |
Carlos Román Zúñiga (IA-UNAM, Mexico) | croman [at] |
Next GUC Meeting
3-4 September 2024
GUC's Presentations (3-4 September 2024)
- Director's Report
- GTC Science Operations Status Report
- GTC Engineering Operations Status Report
- GTC Archive Report
GUC's Reports
Report from the last GUC meeting can be retieved here, while the full list of previous GUC's reports is availble here.
Last modified: 03 September 2024