- The OTELO survey
- The impact of metallicity on massive star evolution
- Osiris Ultra-deep Tunable-filter Mapping of the Outer Regions of Ellipticals
- Lockman SpReSO: Lockman Hole Spectroscopic Redshift Survey with OSIRIS
The OTELO survey
PI: Jordi Cepa
OTELO (OSIRIS Tunable Emission Line Object Survey), will survey emission line objects using OSIRIS tunable filters in selected atmospheric windows relatively free of sky emission lines. Different high latitude and low extinction sky regions with enough angular separations will be observed yielding a total area of 0.1 square degrees. A 3σ depht of 2x10-18erg cm2s-1 will allow detecting objects of EW∼3 at this flux limit, making OTELO the deepest emission line survey to date. OTELO is a deep space probe that will provide a representative sample of the Universe from z=0.24 through 6.7 to study, with un precedent detail, the evolution of emission line galaxies. Since the observing procedure will make use of the Tunable Filter Tomography OTELO will allow studying clearly defined volumes of Universe at a known flux limit.
Target Name | RA(2000) | Dec(2000) |
EGS | 14 16 35 | +52 16 25 |
Setup: MOS (R500B+R500R) + RTF in one single 7.8' x 7.8' OSIRIS pointing.
The impact of metallicity on massive star evolution
PI: Artemio Herrero
Metallicity plays a key role in the physics of the Universe, particularly in the structure and evolution of stars and galaxies. Local Group galaxies cover a large range in metallicity, and we can observe and analyze individually their most luminous stars to determine stellar parameters and abundances (mainly C, N, O and alpha-elements, but also Fe-group abundances in some cases) as a function of metallicity and galactic position. We apply for Multi-Object Spectroscopy of blue massive stars in nearby galaxies of the Local Group (Sextans A, M31 and M33) that range a factor of 30 in metallicity. This way we will test current theories about the winds and evolution of massive stars and their dependence with metallicity.
Target Name | RA(2000) | Dec(2000) |
IC 1613 | 01 05 00.13 | 02 07 05.2 |
Setup: MOS (R2000B) in one single 7.8' x 7.8' OSIRIS pointing.
Osiris Ultra-deep Tunable-filter Mapping of the Outer Regions of Ellipticals
PI: Alexandre vazdekis
We aim at studying the stellar populations and kinematics of elliptical galaxies and their globular cluster systems beyond their effective radii. We will apply a novel approach, specifically developed for this purpose, using absorption-line mapping technique with OSIRIS tunable filters. We will observe two representative field ellipticals of different masses to determine:
- i) galaxy age, metallicity and [Mg/Fe] gradients to 3 re, and 2-D maps of these quantities to ∼ 1 re
- ii) galaxy velocities/velocity dispersions to 3-4 re, and 2-D maps of these quantities to ∼ 1 re
- iii) velocities for up to half the galaxy GCs to 10 re.
The data will allow us to study elliptical galaxy stellar populations at large radii, and for the mass distributions and orbital properties of galaxy haloes at cosmologically important galactocentric radii.
Target Name | RA(2000) | Dec(2000) |
NGC0720 | 01 53 00.5 | -13 44 19 |
NGC0821 | 02 08 21.1 | +10 59 42 |
Setup: RTF and LSS (R2500U-R2500V-R2500R-R2500I) in one single 7.8' x 7.8' OSIRIS pointing.
Lockman SpReSO: Lockman Hole Spectroscopic Redshift Survey with OSIRIS
PI: J. Cepa (IAC) and J. González (IA-UNAM)
This proposal is aimed at the optical spectroscopic study, using the MOS mode of OSIRIS at GTC, of sources up to magnitude 24.5 in the central 30x30 arcmin of the Lockman Hole field, which has been observed with XMM at the highest depth. Within the selected objects, optical counterparts of X-ray and Spitzer 24mu sources will be specifically targeted. Some of the goals of this survey include studying the evolution of SFR and efficiencies, optical vs. FIR extinctions, metallicities, stellar populations, and specific populations of high redshift objects such as AGNs, LAEs, SMGs and ULIRGs.
Target Name | RA(2000) | Dec(2000) |
Lockman | 10 52 43.0 | +57 28 48.0 |
Setup: RTF and MOS (R500B+R500R) in a 24' x 24' region centered on the reference coordinates.
Last modified: 05 March 2018