EMIR Guaranteed Time - Reserved Targets

GALEP programme


To examine spectroscopically a representative selection of sources being discovered deep in the Galaxy along a number of different lines of sight. The majority of the objects lie very close to the Galactic Plane and high extinction means that these objects are impossible to observe at visible wavelengths and so the near IR has to be used.


Object types: RGBs, AGBs

Coordinates:   l = 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 deg.

                       |b| ~ area: 15x15 arcmin

Setup: MOS (H,K).

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MASGOMAS project


Search and characterization of massive star clusters on the Galactic plane.


Coordinates:   l = [12 : 90] deg.

                       -1 < b < 2 deg.

Setup: MOS (H,K).

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GOYA survey


GOYA will survey spectroscopically the galaxy population at intermediate redshifts (0.3 < z < 4) using both the long-slit and Multi-object spectroscopy of EMIR in the JHK bands. GOYA will also study the first high-redshift (z > 4) galaxies in these fields to connect the very early universe with the intermediate redshift epoch. Cosmological fields with the very much needed ancillary data from both ground-based telescopes and HST will be observed.


Target Name RA(2000) Dec(2000) Total reserved area (arcmin2)
Abell 370 02 39 52.0 -01 34 39.0 7x7
WUDS 14 19 27.0 +52 40 56.0 42.43x42.43 centred
EGS 14 20 00.0 +52 55 30.0 5x20
UDS 02 17 25.0 -05 12 30.0 12.5x7.5

A detailed description of the covered fields around those pointings can be also found here.

Setup: MOS (J,H,K).

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Young second-generation clusters


Characterize star formation mechanisms in young clusters located at the edges of HII regions.


* Cluster associated with Sh 104

* Cluster associated with Sh 241

* Cluster associated with Sh 217

* Cluster associated with Sh 219

* Clusters associated with Sh 271-272 and Sh 192-193-194

* Source at the periphery of Sh 212

Setup: Imaging - Y, J, H, Ks + MOS (H,K).

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Brown dwarfs in distant young clusters


Study the low-mass end of the IMF to test the universality of the IMF by detecting very low mass stars and brown dwarfs in young clusters.


Target Name RA(2000) Dec(2000)
NGC1502 04 07 50.0 +62 19 54.0
NGC2175 06 09 39.0 +20 29 12.0
NGC6318 17 14 18.0 -39 24 00.0
NGC6611 18 18 48.0 -13 48 24.0
NGC6623 19:43:00.0 +23 18 00.0
Berkeley82 19 43 12.0 +12 59 00.0

Setup: Imaging - Y, J, H, Ks + MOS (J,H,K).

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Search for massive star clusters


Multi-wavelenght, multi-object spectroscopic study of massive stars in clusters.


Target Name RA(2000) Dec(2000) Obs. Mode
Galactic Center (includes Central Cluster, Quintuplete and Arches) 17 45 00.0 -29 00 00.0 MOS
Massive star-forming region W51A 18 08 00.0 -20 38 00.0 MOS
Cluster Cl 1813-178 in W33 18 13 22.0 -17 54 15.0 MOS
Massive star-forming region W49 19 10 00.0 +09 06 00.0 MOS

Setup: MOS (J,H,K).

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AGN Galaxies


To study of the dynamics and stellar populations of the nuclear regions in AGN galaxies, with the aim of investigating the most probable mechanisms to trigger activity. We plan to estimate black hole masses, to determine central kinematic structures, such as disks, bars, etc. eventually responsible for the the fueling of the central black hole and host galaxy properties through the analysis of stellar populations.


Target Name RA(2000) Dec(2000)
NGC2841 09 22 02.63 +50 58 35.5
NGC3031 09 55 33.17 +69 03 55.1
NGC4501 12 31 59.16 +14 25 13.4

Setup: LSS (H,K).

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Last modified: 28 June 2019

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