1. Purpose and acceptance
This legal notice regulates the use of the website: www.gtc.iac.es and the subdomains of the main page,
especially faultdb.gtc.iac.es, atmosportal.gtc.iac.es y visit.gtc.iac.es.
The website www.gtc.iac.es provides services with the main purpose of allowing the contact between the users and the company, in order for the user to contact the company or ask for estimates.
The navigation through the webpage www.gtc.iac.es gives the status of user and it implies the full acceptance and without reservations of each and every provision included in this Legal Notice, which may be subject to alterations.
The user commits himself/herself to make a correct use of the Website in conformity with the laws, the good faith, the public order, the traffic uses and this Legal Notice. The User shall be liable to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. and to third parties, for the damages that could arise because of the failure to comply with said commitment.
2. Ownership of the website and identification of the Information Society Service Provider
In compliance with the general information principle of Section 10 of Act 34/2002,
of July 11, on services of the electronic business and information society we inform our users
that this website belongs to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. with A38354460, registered a
the Registro Mercantil de Santa Cruz de Tenerife en la hoja 9190, Folio 89 del tomo 1101 de la Sección 1ª.
3. General conditions of access and use
Access to the website and its services is free, although the use of certain areas or services requires filling forms with data. Only users above 18 can provide data to our website,
and those under 16 cannot provide it without the consent of their parents or tutors.
The User guarantees the authenticity and validity of all data that he/she provides to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. and
he/she shall assume all responsibility for any false or inaccurate data that he/she provides.
www.gtc.iac.es has the following types of users:
- Users providing data in any of the available forms:
The personal data that GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. requests includes name and electronic address and
and the data provided by the user at the filling of the forms. - Users that have not contacted to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. but provide data:
Data provided by cookies - Users of our private area: Includes user and password.
- Users that post comments in the blog: Data regarding the e-mail, name and surnames or nickname of these users is collected, as well as comment posted, date of the comment.
- Users that send us their curriculum vitae through the appropriate section in our website.
- Users that provide services to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. and are linked to a tender contract.
- Users who ask the services of GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A.: The personal data requested includes name and electronic address and the data provided by the user for the service.
- Users who participates in events of GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A.
3.1. Rules and prohibitions for the users of our services
The User expressly commits himself/herself to make an adequate use of the contents and services offered and
not to make a use to:
- Spread criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorism-inciting contents and in general, contents against the law and public order.
Insert viruses in the network or perform any action that could alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors
or damages in the electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A.
or third parties; obstruct the access of other Users to the website and its services. -
Try to access the restricted areas of the computer systems of GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. or third parties and
extract information. -
Violate the intellectual or industrial property rights or violate the confidentiality of the information of
GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. or third parties - Impersonate another User, a public administration officer or a third party.
Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or communicate to the public, change or alter the Contents,
unless the User has the proper authorization of the owner of the pertinent rights or unless it is legally allowed. -
Collect data with advertising purposes and send publicity of any type and communications with selling purposes
or other of commercial nature without the need of prior requests or consents.
3.2. Procedure in case of carrying out illicit activities
In case that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that show that the use of any content of and/or the carrying out of any activity in the web pages included in or accessible through the website are illicit, must send a notification to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. duly identifying himself/herself, specifying the infractions in question and declaring expressly and under his/her responsibility that the information provided in the notification is accurate.
4. Privacy policy
The user can consult how GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. uses the personal data and the security measures implemented
in the following link: "Privacy policy "
5. Cookies policy
GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. installs cookies in the computer of the user. For further information about the cookies of our website, please visit the following link: "Cookies policy"
6. Notifications
All notifications and communications between the users and GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. shall be considered effective, for all purposes, when made through postal or electronic mail or telephone. The users must communicate with GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. through:
Postal mail to the following address:
GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A.- Calle Vía Láctea s/n C.P.38200 - La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) - Electronic mail to the following address: gtc [at] gtc.iac.es
7. Industrial and intellectual property
All the contents of the website, which for merely informative purposes can be found texts, photographs, graphics, and images, icons,
technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. or,
where appropriate, to third parties when so specified.
None of the exploitation rights over them may be understood to be assigned to the User beyond
of what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Web.
Specifically, the reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse, forwarding or use of any nature is prohibited.
by any means or procedure, of any of them,
except in cases that are legally permitted, that is, authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights.
However, the User may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the aforementioned contents for their exclusive personal and private use in their computer systems (software and hardware),
provided that it is not for the purpose of carrying out activities of a commercial or professional nature, as well as their distribution, modification, alteration or decompilation.
The infringement of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these conditions,
as well as a crime punishable in accordance with articles 270 and
following of the Penal Code.
Likewise, all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are the property of GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A., without it being understood that the use or access to it attributes to the User any right over them.
The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorized by GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A.
is prohibited.
In case of non-compliance, GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. will proceed to adopt the appropriate legal measures.
8. Exemption of liability and modification of this legal notice
The information shown in this website is only and exclusively for information purposes, and GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. reserves the right to delete or suspend the disclosure, totally or partially, and to modify the structure and content of this Website without prior notice, and it can even restrict or cease to allow the access to said information. GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. wants to maintain the quality and keep up to date this information and prevent and minimize possible errors but GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. shall not be responsible for decisions based on the disclosed information, nor for inaccurate data, omissions or errors contained therein, nor for problems arising from the use of this Website or another external, nor for the damages in the software or hardware of the user arising from the access to this website.
The Users expressly accept that GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. shall not be responsible for the unauthorized access or the alteration of its transmissions or data of any material or data sent or received (or not sent or not received), nor for any operation carried out through its website.
GRAN TELESCOPIO DE CANARIAS S.A. reserves the right to modify this legal notice unilaterally and without prior notice under the terms and conditions that it considers appropriate, with the only obligation of informing the user of the modifications made through www.gtc.iac.es
9. Partial nullity
If any of these clauses is declared null and without effect by a final decision by the pertinent authority, the rest of the terms and conditions shall remain in force and shall not be affected by said declaration of nullity.
10. Applicable law and courts of competent jurisdiction
This website is subject to the provisions of the Spanish laws and applicable European regulations.
Any controversy arising from or related to the use of the website or its products, shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts and tribunals of the province of S/C de Tenerife.
In the case of a final consumer, nothing in this clause shall affect the rights that the legislation in force grants him/her, and he/she can decide to submit a claim to exercise his/her rights in relation to these Conditions before the Judge or Courts that correspond to his/her domicile.
Last modified: 09 November 2020